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A suite for calculating several metrics for graph drawing aesthetics, as well as methods for combining these into a single cost function.


graph : Union[nx.Graph, str], optional The graph to be analyzed. Can be a NetworkX Graph object or a path to a GML or GraphML file. metric_weights : Optional[dict], optional Dictionary of metric:weight key/values. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS. metric_combination_strategy : str, optional The multiple criteria decision analysis technique to use for combining metrics. Default is "weighted_sum". sym_threshold : Union[int, float], optional The threshold for symmetry detection. Default is 2. sym_tolerance : Union[int, float], optional The tolerance for symmetry detection. Default is 3. file_type : str, optional The file type of the graph file. Default is "GraphML".

Source code in graphreadability/core/
class MetricsSuite:
    A suite for calculating several metrics for graph drawing aesthetics, as well as methods for
    combining these into a single cost function.

    graph : Union[nx.Graph, str], optional
        The graph to be analyzed. Can be a NetworkX Graph object or a path to a GML or GraphML file.
    metric_weights : Optional[dict], optional
        Dictionary of metric:weight key/values. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS.
    metric_combination_strategy : str, optional
        The multiple criteria decision analysis technique to use for combining metrics. Default is "weighted_sum".
    sym_threshold : Union[int, float], optional
        The threshold for symmetry detection. Default is 2.
    sym_tolerance : Union[int, float], optional
        The tolerance for symmetry detection. Default is 3.
    file_type : str, optional
        The file type of the graph file. Default is "GraphML".

    def __init__(
        G: Union[nx.Graph, str] = None,
        metric_weights: Optional[dict] = DEFAULT_WEIGHTS,
        metric_combination_strategy: str = "weighted_sum",
        sym_threshold: Union[int, float] = 2,
        sym_tolerance: Union[int, float] = 3,
        file_type: str = "GraphML",
        # Dictionary mapping metric combination strategies to their functions
        self.metric_combination_strategies = {
            "weighted_sum": self.weighted_sum,
            "weighted_prod": self.weighted_prod,
        # Placeholder for version of graph with crosses promoted to nodes
        self.graph_cross_promoted = None
        # Dictionary mapping metric names to their functions, values, and weights
        self.metrics = METRICS.copy()
        for k in self.metrics.keys():
            self.metrics[k].update({"weight": None, "value": None})

        # Check all metrics given are valid and assign weights
        self.initial_weights = self.set_weights(metric_weights)

        # Check metric combination strategy is valid
        assert (
            metric_combination_strategy in self.metric_combination_strategies
        ), f"Unknown metric combination strategy: {metric_combination_strategy}. Available strategies: {list(self.metric_combination_strategies.keys())}"
        self.metric_combination_strategy = metric_combination_strategy

        if G is None:
            self._filename = ""
            self.G = self.load_graph_test()
        elif isinstance(G, str):
            self._filename = G
            self.G = self.load_graph(G, file_type=file_type)
        elif isinstance(G, nx.Graph):
            self._filename = ""
            if copy:
                self.G = G.copy()
                self.G = G
            raise TypeError(
                f"'graph' must be a string representing a path to a GML or GraphML file, or a NetworkX Graph object, not {type(G)}"

        if sym_tolerance < 0:
            raise ValueError("sym_tolerance must be positive.")

        self.sym_tolerance = sym_tolerance

        if sym_threshold < 0:
            raise ValueError("sym_threshold must be positive.")

        self.sym_threshold = sym_threshold

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return a detailed string representation of the MetricsSuite object."""
        return (
            f"MetricsSuite(graph={self._filename}, metric_weights={self.initial_weights}, "
            f"metric_combination_strategy={self.metric_combination_strategy}, sym_threshold={self.sym_threshold}, "

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a concise string representation of the MetricsSuite object."""
        return (
            f"MetricsSuite({self._filename}) object with {len(self.metrics)} metrics."

    def __copy__(self):
        """Return a shallow copy of the MetricsSuite object."""
        return MetricsSuite(

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        """Return a deep copy of the MetricsSuite object."""
        return MetricsSuite(

    def load_graph_test(self, nxg=nx.sedgewick_maze_graph):
        """Loads a test graph with a random layout."""
        G = nxg()
        pos = nx.random_layout(G)
        for k, v in pos.items():
            pos[k] = {"x": v[0], "y": v[1]}

        nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos)
        return G

    def copy(self, deep=True, memo=None):
        """Return a copy of the MetricsSuite object, defaulting to a deep copy."""
        if deep is True or memo is not None:
            return self.__deepcopy__(memo)
            return self.__copy__()

    def set_weights(self, metric_weights: Sequence[float]):
        """Set the weights of the metrics in the MetricsSuite object.

        metric_weights : dict
            Dictionary of metric:weight key/values.

            Dictionary of metric:weight key/values for metrics with non-zero weights.
        metric_weights = {
            metric: weight for metric, weight in metric_weights.items() if weight > 0

        if any(metric_weights[metric] < 0 for metric in metric_weights):
            raise ValueError("Metric weights must be positive.")

        for metric in self.metrics:
            self.metrics[metric]["weight"] = (
                metric_weights[metric] if metric in metric_weights else None

        return {
            metric: weight for metric, weight in metric_weights.items() if weight > 0

    def apply_layout(self, pos):
        """Applies the given layout to the graph.

        pos : dict(node_id, tuple(float, float))
            Dictionary of node positions.

        # Convert to x and y attributes
        xy = {k: {"x": v[0], "y": v[1]} for k, v in pos.items()}
        nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, xy)

    def calculate_metric(self, metric: str = None):
        """Calculate the value of the given metric by calling the associated function."""
        if metric is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No metric provided. Did you mean to call calculate_metrics()?"

            self.metrics[metric]["value"] = self.metrics[metric]["func"](self.G)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error calculating metric {metric}: {e}")
            self.metrics[metric]["value"] = None

    def calculate_metrics(self, calculate_all=False):
        """Calculates the values of all metrics with non-zero weights."""
        n_metrics = 0
        for metric in self.metrics:
            if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None or calculate_all:
                n_metrics += 1

    def reset_metrics(self):
        """Resets all metric values and is_calculated flags to None and False, respectively."""
        for metric in self.metrics:
            self.metrics[metric]["value"] = None
            self.metrics[metric]["is_calculated"] = False

    def weighted_prod(self):
        """Returns the weighted product of all metrics. Should NOT be used as a cost function - may be useful for comparing graphs."""
        used_metrics = [
            for metric in self.metrics.keys()
            if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None
        for metric in used_metrics:
            if self.metrics[metric]["value"] is None:
            self.metrics[metric]["value"] * self.metrics[metric]["weight"]
            for metric in used_metrics

    def weighted_sum(self):
        """Returns the weighted sum of all metrics. Can be used as a cost function."""
        used_metrics = [
            for metric in self.metrics.keys()
            if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None
        total_weight = sum(self.metrics[metric]["weight"] for metric in used_metrics)
        return (
                self.metrics[metric]["value"] * self.metrics[metric]["weight"]
                for metric in used_metrics
            / total_weight

    def combine_metrics(self, calculate=True):
        """Combine several metrics based on the given multiple criteria decision analysis technique."""
        # Important to loop over initial weights to avoid checking the weight of all metrics when they are not needed
        if calculate:
        return self.metric_combination_strategies[self.metric_combination_strategy]()

    def pretty_print_metrics(self, calculate=False):
        """Prints all metrics and their values in an easily digestible view."""
        combined = self.combine_metrics(calculate=calculate)
        print("-" * 50)
        print("-" * 50)
        for k, v in self.metrics.items():
            if v["value"]:
                val_str = f"{v['value']:.3f}"
        print("-" * 50)
        print(f"Evaluation using {self.metric_combination_strategy}: {combined:.5f}")
        print("-" * 50)

    def metric_table(self, calculate=False):
        """Returns a dictionary of metrics and their values. Designed to work with pandas from_records() method."""
        combined = self.combine_metrics(calculate)
        metrics = {}
        for k, v in self.metrics.items():
            metrics[k] = v["value"]
        metrics["combined"] = combined
        return metrics


Return a shallow copy of the MetricsSuite object.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def __copy__(self):
    """Return a shallow copy of the MetricsSuite object."""
    return MetricsSuite(


Return a deep copy of the MetricsSuite object.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
    """Return a deep copy of the MetricsSuite object."""
    return MetricsSuite(


Return a detailed string representation of the MetricsSuite object.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def __repr__(self):
    """Return a detailed string representation of the MetricsSuite object."""
    return (
        f"MetricsSuite(graph={self._filename}, metric_weights={self.initial_weights}, "
        f"metric_combination_strategy={self.metric_combination_strategy}, sym_threshold={self.sym_threshold}, "


Return a concise string representation of the MetricsSuite object.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def __str__(self):
    """Return a concise string representation of the MetricsSuite object."""
    return (
        f"MetricsSuite({self._filename}) object with {len(self.metrics)} metrics."


Applies the given layout to the graph.


pos : dict(node_id, tuple(float, float)) Dictionary of node positions.



Source code in graphreadability/core/
def apply_layout(self, pos):
    """Applies the given layout to the graph.

    pos : dict(node_id, tuple(float, float))
        Dictionary of node positions.

    # Convert to x and y attributes
    xy = {k: {"x": v[0], "y": v[1]} for k, v in pos.items()}
    nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, xy)


Calculate the value of the given metric by calling the associated function.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def calculate_metric(self, metric: str = None):
    """Calculate the value of the given metric by calling the associated function."""
    if metric is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "No metric provided. Did you mean to call calculate_metrics()?"

        self.metrics[metric]["value"] = self.metrics[metric]["func"](self.G)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error calculating metric {metric}: {e}")
        self.metrics[metric]["value"] = None


Calculates the values of all metrics with non-zero weights.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def calculate_metrics(self, calculate_all=False):
    """Calculates the values of all metrics with non-zero weights."""
    n_metrics = 0
    for metric in self.metrics:
        if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None or calculate_all:
            n_metrics += 1


Combine several metrics based on the given multiple criteria decision analysis technique.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def combine_metrics(self, calculate=True):
    """Combine several metrics based on the given multiple criteria decision analysis technique."""
    # Important to loop over initial weights to avoid checking the weight of all metrics when they are not needed
    if calculate:
    return self.metric_combination_strategies[self.metric_combination_strategy]()

copy(deep=True, memo=None)

Return a copy of the MetricsSuite object, defaulting to a deep copy.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def copy(self, deep=True, memo=None):
    """Return a copy of the MetricsSuite object, defaulting to a deep copy."""
    if deep is True or memo is not None:
        return self.__deepcopy__(memo)
        return self.__copy__()


Loads a test graph with a random layout.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def load_graph_test(self, nxg=nx.sedgewick_maze_graph):
    """Loads a test graph with a random layout."""
    G = nxg()
    pos = nx.random_layout(G)
    for k, v in pos.items():
        pos[k] = {"x": v[0], "y": v[1]}

    nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos)
    return G


Returns a dictionary of metrics and their values. Designed to work with pandas from_records() method.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def metric_table(self, calculate=False):
    """Returns a dictionary of metrics and their values. Designed to work with pandas from_records() method."""
    combined = self.combine_metrics(calculate)
    metrics = {}
    for k, v in self.metrics.items():
        metrics[k] = v["value"]
    metrics["combined"] = combined
    return metrics


Prints all metrics and their values in an easily digestible view.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def pretty_print_metrics(self, calculate=False):
    """Prints all metrics and their values in an easily digestible view."""
    combined = self.combine_metrics(calculate=calculate)
    print("-" * 50)
    print("-" * 50)
    for k, v in self.metrics.items():
        if v["value"]:
            val_str = f"{v['value']:.3f}"
    print("-" * 50)
    print(f"Evaluation using {self.metric_combination_strategy}: {combined:.5f}")
    print("-" * 50)


Resets all metric values and is_calculated flags to None and False, respectively.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def reset_metrics(self):
    """Resets all metric values and is_calculated flags to None and False, respectively."""
    for metric in self.metrics:
        self.metrics[metric]["value"] = None
        self.metrics[metric]["is_calculated"] = False


Set the weights of the metrics in the MetricsSuite object.


metric_weights : dict Dictionary of metric:weight key/values.


dict Dictionary of metric:weight key/values for metrics with non-zero weights.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def set_weights(self, metric_weights: Sequence[float]):
    """Set the weights of the metrics in the MetricsSuite object.

    metric_weights : dict
        Dictionary of metric:weight key/values.

        Dictionary of metric:weight key/values for metrics with non-zero weights.
    metric_weights = {
        metric: weight for metric, weight in metric_weights.items() if weight > 0

    if any(metric_weights[metric] < 0 for metric in metric_weights):
        raise ValueError("Metric weights must be positive.")

    for metric in self.metrics:
        self.metrics[metric]["weight"] = (
            metric_weights[metric] if metric in metric_weights else None

    return {
        metric: weight for metric, weight in metric_weights.items() if weight > 0


Returns the weighted product of all metrics. Should NOT be used as a cost function - may be useful for comparing graphs.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def weighted_prod(self):
    """Returns the weighted product of all metrics. Should NOT be used as a cost function - may be useful for comparing graphs."""
    used_metrics = [
        for metric in self.metrics.keys()
        if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None
    for metric in used_metrics:
        if self.metrics[metric]["value"] is None:
        self.metrics[metric]["value"] * self.metrics[metric]["weight"]
        for metric in used_metrics


Returns the weighted sum of all metrics. Can be used as a cost function.

Source code in graphreadability/core/
def weighted_sum(self):
    """Returns the weighted sum of all metrics. Can be used as a cost function."""
    used_metrics = [
        for metric in self.metrics.keys()
        if self.metrics[metric]["weight"] is not None
    total_weight = sum(self.metrics[metric]["weight"] for metric in used_metrics)
    return (
            self.metrics[metric]["value"] * self.metrics[metric]["weight"]
            for metric in used_metrics
        / total_weight